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20 de January del 2013 a las 14:57 -
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Los toques callejeros convertidos en atracción
Una vez más el marco de público fue excelente en la semipeatonal del centro de Mercedes.

Los toques callejeros volvieron a ser atractivos para el público local y visitante, en una noche de sábado con temperatura totalmente agradable, a pesar de las tormentas que se observaban. 

En esta oportunidad, los toques tuvieron la visita especial del Ministro de Educación y Cultura, Ricardo Ehrlich, que en su recorrida era acompañado por el Intentende Guillermo Besozzi, el Presidente del Movimiento Cultural "Jazz a la Calle", Alberto Guigou Kluver, la Directoras de Cultura y Acción Social, Lourdes Cerchi y María Fajardo respectivamente, la Coordinadora de Centro MEC de Soriano, Giselle Graside, el Presidente del Frente Amplio, Jorge Cardona, entre otras autoridades. La respuesta del público nuevamente se mostró magnífica, siguiendo de cerca cada una de las alternativas del 7° Encuentro Internacional de Músicos que se desarrolla en Mercedes. 


Enviado por: Amelia
Enviado por: Pharmg638
Very nice site
Enviado por: Pharmf147
Hello egedegf interesting egedegf site Im really like it Very, very egedegf good
Enviado por: Kaylan
If one individual is selected from the pool of 8220;Mercedes quality8221; workers for the Private Jet lifestyle then Taleb would attribute this selection to Blackswan serendipity that lead this worker to be selected out of a pool of possible canidates similar to the example he gave of authors published in major medical journels.I think that this is a piece of the puzzle, its true uncontrolable randomnessserendipity play a huge role in life. There is no reason to get upset over things outside of your ability to control or predict. But this perspective also ignores the 8220;X8221; factors that are controllable factors that are directly attrituable to success.Pushing through the dip harderfaster then your competitors. Being that inch better in quality of productsideas. Using principles of strategy in Greene8217;s books. All Xfactors that lead to success and that can make the difference between being just another Mercedes and being the tricked out Mercedes that reaches the tipping point to become phenomenally successful.

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